Energy-Efficient Kitchen Appliances – Saving Money and the Planet

Things such as energy-efficient appliances might be costlier upfront but, by cutting down on global utility bills in the long run, by cutting down on energy consumption or on use of water, they can help drive down man-made input into the environment. This also cuts your personal utility bill and if you have the capital, those investments tend to eventually pay for themselves.

The ENERGY STAR label quickly identifies products that meet or exceed energy efficiency standards (set by the government, with guidance from energy experts), and its standards are regularly updated to account for new technologies.

Lower Utility Bills

With the advent of sustainable living into the realm of fashion, increasingly viable options also become available for homeowners to improve their homes’ energy efficiency. Consider smart fridges, ovens and washing machines that save power, or more intelligent appliances that modernise the way we cook our food by optimising time and temperature. Many energy-saving products qualify for rebates and tax credits, which make them a better deal (even if they cost more to buy in the first place). Products with the ENERGY STAR label are likely to qualify for large rebates or tax credits: they will be much easier to find. Install energy management systems or smart electric meters to track energy use and avoid or schedule usage for off-peak hours (if possible). Unplug small appliances around the home and switch them off at the powerpoint to save wasted electricity.

Less Waste

Energy conserving appliances are manufactured to save electricity unit consumption and consequently, save on monthly utility bills. Actually, to acquire such saves maximum on consumption by minimizing heat loss. Furthermore, It is true that energy conserving appliances are more expensive compared to normal appliances, however, their savings on unit of electricity on monthly bill erase the cost of purchase within a short period of use. Joanna O’Loan, a knowledge manager for the UK’s Energy Saving Trust, pointed out that kitchen appliances take up the bulk of energy use in homes, with a focus on cooking. (Cooking is typically the most energy-demanding function in a home, followed by cooling and heating.) You should also consult the sticker on EnergyGuide label that provides an estimate of energy use and costs, the producer’s estimate, and other relevant details. When choosing appliances with Energy Star ratings for best results, keep their load size in mind: large loads can drain dishwashers, washing machines and dryers of much energy. Select efficient eco settings, for instance, cold rates that use less water for washing. Even if the washing machine or dishwasher is energy efficient, you can save some more cost on heating by air drying your clothes.

Less Water

ENERGY STAR-rated appliances also provide performance at much lower costs – with no sacrifice in quality, refrigerators now come with insulation very good at retaining cold air, so that heat flow can be strongly inhibited, while smart models even let us monitor our energy usage through a phone or a tablet. But your dishwashers and ovens can also conserve energy by taking advantage of an eco setting that uses less water, and eco mode on the dishwasher will pre-heat water while electricity prices are lowest, meaning you will save in the long-term. So this is the moment you can save money in future and reduce global energy usage, for we really need such energy-saving appliances that you deserve! Yes more energy-efficient appliances are little more to buy at first but will save your utility bill soon and make you save the globe!

Lower Carbon Footprint

In an effort to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, world leaders are fighting an aggressive war to lower the CO2 outputs all over the globe, but even we, at home, can contribute by making small changes that can lead to ineffable results.

One of the main reasons behind the CO2 emissions is the generation of electricity. If the usage of appliance power is lowered, so too will the CO2 gases. Many appliances that are considered to be ENERGY STAR qualified or otherwise energy efficient were designed to perform more effectively on less energy, because government standards required that products with these ratings perform using certain established performance parameters. So now you are using much less energy to operate the appliance effectively. Not only will energy-efficient kitchen appliances and fixtures help the planet, they will also have top returns when you can put those reduced energy costs in your home’s account. Thinking of your own remodel? Give Kowalske a call and see what appliances will help both your wallet and planet — your planet will thank you!

    Miles Holmes

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